Special thanks to Kaki South of Ninth Island Aunties and Dez CIbarra of Operation: Aloha Action for collaboration and serving our future Southern Nevada community!
Such a wonderful collaboration opportunity to provide some sweets and desserts at Shannon West Homeless Youth Center!
The youth residents are always excited and thankful to get sweets and desserts once a month from this project. Much Mahalo to Aunty Cathi and those who provide their donation and time.
We provided desserts and snacks and the youth residents were very thankful and shared their gratitude with us.
Next month, July 6 Sat, we will offer fresh fruit salad and soda. If you’d like to donate any sodas (canned or 2 liter bottle), please let me know.
The shelter is also in need of men’s clothes. If you have any men’s clothes (t-shirts, pants, shorts, underwear, winter clothes) in good and clean condition, please consider donating.
将来のネバダ州南部コミュニティに貢献してくれたナインスアイランドアンティーズ(ウチナーンチュ3世)の南キャシーさん、オペレーション: アロハ アクションのデズ チバラさんに特別に感謝します。 シャノン・ウェスト・ホームレス青少年センターでお菓子やデザートを提供できる素晴らしいコラボレーションの機会ででした。若者たちは普段は食事だけを受け取り、甘いものはもらえないので、このプロジェクトで月に一度お菓子やデザートをもらえることにいつも楽しみにしていて感謝しています。キャシーさんと、寄付と時間を提供してくださった方々に心から感謝します。 デザートや甘いものを提供したところ、子供たちは大変感謝し、私たちに感謝の気持ちを伝えてくれました。 来月7月6日(土)はフレッシュフルーツサラダとソーダをご用意いたします。炭酸飲料(缶または2リットルボトル)を寄付したい場合は、お知らせください。 このシェルター避難所では男性用の衣類も必要としています。状態の良い男性用の洋服(Tシャツ、パンツ、ショートパンツ、下着、冬物)をお持ちでしたら、ぜひ寄付をご検討ください。
HELP of Southern Nevada’s Shannon West Homeless Youth Center (SWHYC) provides services for at-risk youth, age 16-24, that are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless. SWHYC provides safe and stable housing, basic needs/food, intensive case management, person centered case plan, housing stability plan, education assistance, employment assistance, assistance in transitioning to own apartment, addiction and mental health services, health and wellness, financial literacy, activities of daily living and supportive services. At capacity SWHYC can house 150 youth.
Our community partners, The Promise Las Vegas, The Hope, Na Hula and volunteers got together to provide food distribution, toiletry items, clothes water to help our un-housed community to ensure they receive what they need. Special thanks to Charles Herring of Na Hula for donating food items.
2024 NIA Easter Basket Project (March 16, 2024 Sat)
Special Thanks to our community partners for collaborations, especially our own Okinawan Club member, Cathi Minami of Ninth Island Aunties for putting together this event.
Our community partners, Asian Community Resource Center, Operation: Aloha Action and Ninth Island Aunties collaborated together to put over 100 Easter baskets and food baskets to distribute to low incomes families/children. The Easter food baskets will be distributed to Las Vegas Metro Police Department (Downtown Area Command, WestCare Nevada and 2 Clark County School Distribute classes as well as referrals from our partners.
Special Thanks to our team and partners, Ninth ISland Aunties, Operation: Aloha Action and 2 Scoops of Aloha Las Vegas Drive Inn for your support allowing us to make today happen.
Because of your kindness just over 100 children will receive something special this Easter. A gift made with lots of ALOHA!
協力してくれたコミュニティ パートナー、特にこのイベントを企画してくれた沖縄クラブのメンバーである Ninth Island Aunties の Cathi Minami に感謝します。
私たちのコミュニティ パートナーであるアジア コミュニティ リソース センター、オペレーション: アロハ アクション、およびナインス アイランド アンティーズが協力して、100 個を超えるイースター バスケットと食品バスケットを用意し、低所得の家族や子供たちに配布されます。イースターフードバスケットは、ラスベガスメトロ警察署(ダウンタウン地域司令部)ネバダ州ウェストケア、およびクラーク郡学校の2校のクラスの配布、およびパートナーからの紹介)に配布されます。私たちのチームとパートナー、Ninth Island Aunties、Operation: Aloha Action、および 2 Scoops of Aloha Las Vegas Drive Inn のサポートに感謝し、今日の実現を可能にしました。
あなたの親切のおかげで、このイースターには 100 人を超える子供たちが特別なものを受け取ることになります。 ALOHAをたっぷり使ったギフト!
In the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck Japan’s central region, Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture on January 1, 2024 (New Year’s Day) followed by a tsunami, Las Vegas Okinawan Club stands unwaveringly and in solidarity with our home country, Japan. We are profoundly saddened to hear of the devastating loss of life, injuries, and damages caused by the series of the earthquakes that have struck Japan.
As of January 8, 2024, a powerful New Year’s Day earthquake/Tsunami struck on the western coast of Japan causing a death toll rising to at least 168 with more than 300 people missing, 500 people injured and more than 28,000 people are continuing to shelter in evacuation centers in Ishikawa Prefecture.
Recognizing the situation’s human urgency and the increasing toll on the affected communities, Las Vegas Okinawan Club board of directors and officers promptly approved to hold a fundraiser to aid and support humanitarian aid and disaster relief.
Las Vegas Okinawan Club will be accepting monetary donations through the end of February 2024. If you are attending the 2024 New Year’s party on February 17, 2024, we will be collecting monetary donations in-person.
At Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we strive to improve the lives of underprivileged children and individuals in our community by providing them with water, food, clothes, toiletry items and other items. Our aim is to break the cycle of poverty and give these children a chance at a better future. On behalf of Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we want to extend our sincerest gratitude for partnership with The Promise Las Vegas, Gene Haas Foundation and Asian Community Resource Center for their donation and partnership. This will have a significant impact on helping individduals and families in criss within the unhoused communiy as they make progress. Thank you so much for your kindness and. generosity!
At Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we envision a world where every person has access to the resources they need to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. We strive to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our community partners, local nonprofits and municipalities worked together to better our neighborhoods by creating and participating in events to support our Community.
The Winter Wonderland 4.0 Food Distribution event aims to provide essential food supplies and create a festive atmosphere for those in need. By coming together as a community, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of these families and bring hope and warmth during the holiday season.
Special thanks to our community partners, Aloha Shoyu, Asian Community Resource Center, Neighborhood Housing Services Southern Nevada, Ninth Island Aunties, and Gene Haas Foundation, we were able to provide holiday groceries to 400 families experiencing food insecurities to support hunger relief, approximately 1,600 members in our Southern Nevada community. Families received a ham and trunkful of groceries. We are fortunate to have our community partners and supported to make our community a better place to live! Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!
At Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we envision a world where every person has access to the resources they need to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. We strive to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our community partners, local nonprofits and municipalities worked together to better our neighborhoods by creating and participating in events to support our Community.
The Ninth Island Aunties Thanksgiving Food Distribution 2023 event aims to provide essential food supplies for the families experiencing food insecurities during Thanksgiving holiday.
Special thanks to our community partners, Asian Community Resource Center, Ninth Island Aunties, Operation: Aloha Action, and Gene Haas Foundation, we were able to provide Thanksgiving groceries to 100 families experiencing food insecurities to support hunger relief in our Southern Nevada community. Families received a ham and trunkful of groceries. We are fortunate to have our community partners and supported to make our community a better place to live! Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!
Our team is made up of dedicated individuals who are passionate about making a difference in the world. From our volunteers to our board members, everyone at Las Vegas Okinawan Club is committed to our mission and the children we serve.
At Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we envision a world where every person has access to the resources they need to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. We strive to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our community partners, local nonprofits and municipalities worked together to better our neighborhoods by creating and participating in events to support our Community.
If you are interested in volunteering and community service in 2024, please visit our "Community Service Event & Information Form" here, https://forms.gle/mNhoyKhAWTdPiRpY8
We will be updating this form throughout the year and it'll be a one-time stop to get information with our community outreach and community service projects.
Las Vegas Okinawan Club has several partnerships with local nonprofits and communities to better serve our Southern Nevada community! Our community service initiatives include:
1. Shannon West Youth Homeless Center - Dessert /baking goods delivery to Shannon West Youth Homeless Center once a month together with Ninth Island Aunties.
2. Hunger Relief and Education Support for At-risk Children - Las Vegas Okinawan Club participates in Back-to-School Event to distribute school supplies, Easter Food Basket Giveaway and early literacy books each year.
3. Senior Services for Minority and Immigrant Individuals and Families - Las Vegas Okinawan Club's Keiro program offers dependent older adults, a warm, safe and encouraging environment. Our friendly and professional volunteers provide:
For families caring for a dependent older relative, can feel confident that their loved one is being cared for in a safe and nurturing setting. Volunteers in the Keiro Senior Services program are bilingual
4. Las Vegas Homeless Camp Food Distribution - members help coordinate food pickup and deliver for food distribution to a homeless camp near the Las Vegas Strip once a month. Our partnership with "The Promise" allows for helping those in need. Please visit https://www.instagram.com/thepromiselv/.
5. Food Drive for Struggling Families - Las Vegas Okinawan Club's new initiative is to help to feed families and individuals in need in our Southern Nevada community, and food and monetary gifts donated by caring community members are a vital part of making that happen. If you have non-perishable food you are not using or not going to consume, please consider to donate and drop them off at our club events and gatherings.
Please visit our "Philanthropic Initiatives" page to learn more about our community service projects.
At Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we envision a world where every person has access to the resources they need to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. We strive to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our community partners, local nonprofits and municipalities worked together to better our neighborhoods by creating and participating in events to support our Community.
The Winter Wonderland 4.0 Food Distribution event aims to provide essential food supplies and create a festive atmosphere for those in need. By coming together as a community, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of these families and bring hope and warmth during the holiday season.
Special thanks to our community partners, Aloha Shoyu, Asian Community Resource Center, Neighborhood Housing Services Southern Nevada, Ninth Island Aunties, and Gene Haas Foundation, we were able to provide holiday groceries to 400 families experiencing food insecurities to support hunger relief, approximately 1,600 members in our Southern Nevada community. Families received a ham and trunkful of groceries. We are fortunate to have our community partners and supported to make our community a better place to live! Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!
At Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we envision a world where every person has access to the resources they need to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. We strive to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our community partners, local nonprofits and municipalities worked together to better our neighborhoods by creating and participating in events to support our Community.
The Ninth Island Aunties Thanksgiving Food Distribution 2023 event aims to provide essential food supplies for the families experiencing food insecurities during Thanksgiving holiday.
Special thanks to our community partners, Asian Community Resource Center, Ninth Island Aunties, Operation: Aloha Action, and Gene Haas Foundation, we were able to provide Thanksgiving groceries to 100 families experiencing food insecurities to support hunger relief in our Southern Nevada community. Families received a ham and trunkful of groceries. We are fortunate to have our community partners and supported to make our community a better place to live! Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!
Las Vegas Okinawan Club delivers and coordinates food pickup for a homeless camp near the Las Vegas Strip once a month. Thank you, Asian Community Resource Center for the partnership! The food was distributed on March 12, 2023
- Las Vegas Okinawan Club's Keiro program offers dependent older adults, a warm, safe and encouraging environment. Our friendly and professional volunteers provide: Social interaction Assortment of stimulating, structured activities including music, games, art Gentle exercise Wellness activities, health screening
Our friendly and professional volunteers provide:
For families caring for a dependent older relative, can feel confident that their loved one is being cared for in a safe and nurturing setting. Volunteers in the Keiro Senior Services program are bilingual
Special thanks to Kumu Charles Herring and Henderson Equality Center for the Las Vegas Okinawan Club volunteers to join the Easter Egg Hunt on April 8 to distribute FREE children’s books to support early childhood literacy for our children in Southern Nevada. We distributed 120 books, and there were 1,000 children registered! We hope to bring more books next year.
Las Vegas Okinawan Club's new initiative is to help to feed families and individuals in need in our Southern Nevada community, and food and monetary gifts donated by caring community members are a vital part of making that happen. If you have non-perishable food you are not using or not going to consume, please consider to donate and drop them off at our club events and gatherings. For questions, please text (702) 350-2689.
Las Vegas Okinawan Club held its annual New Year's Food Drive during New Year's Party on February 18, 2023. Thank you for all the donations of food. The food was distributed to among the struggling families and children in our community.
Las Vegas Okinawan Club held Back-to-School Supplies Giveaway Event on July 30, 2022 with volunteers from Center for Women and Families from Abroad, Nevada Health Link, Las Vegas Okinawan Club and Western High School. We served over 300 children and families. Thank you for the collaboration! Children also received free shaved ice!
Event Information - "2022 AAPI Heritage Month" Las Vegas CelebrAsian" on May 26, 2022 Thursday from 11 am - 1 pm at West Sahara Library (multipurpose room). Please join us! The event consists three parts: Part 1 - Recognitions of Philanthropic AAPI organizations Part 2 - Resource sharing on Crime prevention and personal safety by Las Vegas Metro Police Department Hate crime reporting procedure by FBI Las Vegas Legal perspective/legal rights as a victim of hate crime by UNLV Law Professor Part 3 - Cultural performance by various Asian American & Pacific Islander groups. Okinawan traditional dancers, Hula Hui O' Ho'olauna from Japanese Cultural Club LV and more performers you'll enjoy!
Las Vegas Okinawan Club is happy to announce the partnership opportunity with the UMC Children’s Hospital for “Project Origami”. Our goal is to make and donate at least 100 goodie bags (with our Origami paper cranes we are currently making) that include the following donation wish list from the hospital: Coloring books / Coloring Pencils and coloring pens Socks in all sizes (with cute animal or character print) Erasers, Crayons & Pencils (with cute animal or character print) Puzzles, Play Doh or Slime, Toy animals, insects or dinosaurs, Baby dolls, Blocks Stress balls Toothbrush kits Any other items from the donation wish list are also appreciated. Origami Paper Cranes will be included for decoration in each bag.
Las Vegas Okinawan Club is partnered with Center for Women and Families for Abroad and Japanese Community Resource Center Las Vegas to distribute school supplies to low-income families and students on July 30, 2022. Location and time will be determined soon and will be shared here.
We are holding a senior services seminar in August 2022! More information to come!
April 1 - Easter Basket Giveaway: seeking volunteers to put together baskets on Saturday, April 1 (11 am - 4 pm) at Wells Fargo Office (4425 Spring Mountain Rd.) to donate to children in need. Any referrals must be made by March 15 for children age between 2 and 8 to receive a basket. Older children will receive treat bag. Required information for the referral include gender, age and allergies.
Anyone interested in joining any of these projects, please call/text (702) 350-2689.
We want to hear from you! If there is any topics you would like to hear from a specialist or find out information, please let us know and we want to make it happen for our community! Our goal is to improve the quality of your life!
Please check all the available resources for. our senior citizens in our Southern Nevada Community!
United States Senate
Government (Nevada State, Clark County)
Other Agencies and Business Organizations
Resources - Senior Services Directory
September 12, 2022 Monday
Las Vegas Okinwan Club is one of the sponsors for the Back-To-School Event on July 29, 2023 from 10 am - 1 pm. Please see the event flyer for details.
FREE backpacks
FREE school supplies
FREE dental screenings
FREE haircuts
Food, fun activities and more!
All while supplies last! Please arrive early!
Back-To-School Initiative Saturday, July 29, 2023Special thanks to the City of North Las Vegas for allowing the Las Vegas Okinawan Club to participate in the annual “Back to School Giveaway event” for children in our community! We donated school supplies. Together, we served over 1,000 families, where students received free supplies, backpacks, shoes, dental checkups, haircuts and more to begin the school year. We appreciate our fiscal sponsor, Gene Haas Foundation so we can serve and give back to our community!
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