Mensore! Welcome to Las Vegas Okinawan Club! めんそーれ! ラスベガス沖縄県人会へようこそ!
Giving back through life-changing experiences. - Updated on 02/11/2025🎍㈷🎍正月💝OKINAWA
Giving back through life-changing experiences. - Updated on 02/11/2025🎍㈷🎍正月💝OKINAWA
Las Vegas Okinawan Club
Dear friends, community partners and Southern Nevadans,
This is Seiya with the Las Vegas Okinawan Club. Special thanks to our friends at Ninth Island Aunties for putting together toiletry kits this past week and those who dropped off toiletry items at Las Vegas Buddhist Sangha and 2 Scoops of Aloha.
LV Okinawan Club board of director, Rumiko Hirano and I made a trip to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank this past Tuesday, January 28 and dropped off toiletry items we received from our Southern Nevada community. We had the opportunity to meet Ms. LaTanya Tobin, a Volunteer Field Support Coordinator at Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and she shared about their wonderful programs and relief efforts to those impacted by the California Wildfire that took place earlier this month.
We will continue to collect toiletry items through February 13. Our next drop off/delivery will be the week of February 17. Much thanks to Shai Walter of 2 Scoops of Aloha, we will be meeting on Sunday, February 9 between 11 am - 12:30 pm at 2 Scoops of Aloha to put together more toiletry kits. If you wish to donate some toiletry items or simply want to donate your time for this collaborative project, we welcome everyone. If you have any students or school age children, who want to help, we welcome youth and students. We would be happy to log into your volunteer hours (if needed).
Project Invitation - Toiletry Item Bagging Day
Point of Contact: Junko Nakauchi, Vice President (808) 227-9688 Keiko Rudder, Vice President (702) 499-8301
If your organization or business would like to participate in this community project, please reach out to me, at (702) 781-4588. If you would like to donate in-kind toiletry items, please consider purchasing some toiletry items via Amazon ( and ship toiletry items to the following address:
ATTN: Las Vegas Okinawan Club 9165 Nanjing Ave. Las Vegas, Nv 89148 or
ATTN: Las Vegas Okinawan Club 4467 Verdiccio Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89141-4243
"Yuimaru" is an Okinawan phrase, which means the "Circle of people" or "Spirit of cooperation". Yuimaru is a core concept of Okinawan culture and identity, which is reflected in the way Okinawans support each other and take care of neighbors during hard times.
Following is the information we shared in the initial email: In an effort to help the Los Angeles Wildfire relief, Las Vegas Okinawan Club is organizing a donation drive to collect toiletry items with our local businesses and community organizations in Southern Nevada.
These are the items we will be collecting:
Non-food Items (must be new, in original packaging) such as Diapers (babies & adults), Wipes (preferably flushable), Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Kids KN95 Masks, Lotion, Soap, Deodorant, Shampoo (preferably waterless), and bar soap. Travel size toiletries are also welcome.
Drop off Location and Dates
Drop Off Location 1
JAN 25, 2025 SAT 1:30 AM - 3:00 PM
JAN 26, 2025 SUN 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
FEB 8, 2025 SAT 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
FEB 9, 2025 SUN 11 AM - 12 PM (Time is adjusted from original)
Please consider donating the items before February 13, 2025.
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
If you are attending our New Year's party on February 16, 2025, Sunday, you can also drop off your donation items at the event. This will be our last day before we drop off the donation items in February.
We are not collecting any other items due to our inability to transport large and bulky items (no bulky items or no food items, please) since we have 1 vehicle to transport once in January and once in February. We want to maximize the space and be able to reach as many as we can. Please help spread this information with your friends, family, other community members and organizations if you can. If your organization would like to join this effort, please let us know by responding to this email.
Holiday Greetings!
"Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous and healthy new year"
Dear LV Okinawan Club members,
Happy Holidays! Happy New Year’s to you and Your Loved ones!
Looking back this year, we know that without your enthusiasm and support for our Okinawan Club community, we wouldn’t be where we are today. We are grateful for the opportunities to meet kind and talented people from the club. We went out in the community to showcase our Okinawan culture and tradition as well as serving our community by donating food to families experiencing food insecurities, volunteering at Shannon West Youth Homeless Shelter, back to school giveaway event and much more with the Okinawan heart of kindness, Chimugukuru. We are grateful for your support. On behalf of the Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year!
LV Okinawan Club RSVP Contact List
Upcoming Events / Please join us at our events and gatherings!
親愛なるLV沖縄クラブ会員の皆様、安全で楽しい休暇、年末年始をお過ごしください。謹んで新春をお祝い申し上げます。 2024年度は大変お世話になり、誠にありがとうございました。今年を振り返ると、沖縄県人会のコミュニティに対する皆様の熱意とサポートがなければ、私たちの今日の姿はなかったでしょう。皆さんのように親切で才能のある人々に出会う機会に感謝しています。私たちは、沖縄の文化と伝統を紹介するため、また、沖縄の優しさの心、チムグクルとともに、困難に直面している家族への食料の寄付をしたり、年度初めに地域の子ども達に文房具をシャノン・ウェスト青少年ホームレス・シェルターでのボランティア活動などを通じて、地域社会に貢献するために地域社会に社会貢献及び奉仕を行ました。皆様のご支援に感謝いたします。ラスベガス沖縄県人会を代表して、あなたとあなたの愛する人たちが、楽しいホリデーシーズンと、平和で豊かな新年を迎えられることをお祈りします。
ラスベガス沖縄県人会 予約連絡先
Haisai, friends and community members,
In an effort to help the Los Angeles Wildfire relief, Las Vegas Okinawan Club is organizing a donation drive to collect toiletry items with our local businesses and community organizations in Southern Nevada.
These are the items we will be collecting:
Non-food Items (must be new, in original packaging) such as Diapers (babies & adults), Wipes (preferably flushable), Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Kids KN95 Masks, Lotion, Soap, Deodorant, Shampoo (preferably waterless), and bar soap. Travel size toiletries are also welcome.
Drop off Location and Dates
Drop Off Location 1
JAN 25, 2025 SAT 1:30 AM - 3:00 PM
JAN 26, 2025 SUN 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
FEB 8, 2025 SAT 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
FEB 9, 2025 SUN 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (Time is adjusted from original)
Please consider donating the items before February 13, 2025.
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
If you are attending our New Year's party on February 16, 2025, Sunday, you can also drop off your donation items at the event. This will be our last day before we drop off the donation items in February.
We are not collecting any other items due to our inability to transport large and bulky items (no bulky items or no food items, please) since we have 1 vehicle to transport once in January and once in February. We want to maximize the space and be able to reach as many as we can. Please help spread this information with your friends, family other community members and organizations if you can. If your organization would like to join this effort, please let us know by responding to this email.
Craig Ranch Regional Park
628 W. Craig Rd, North Las Vegas, NV 89032 (Village Lodge #1)
May 10, 2025 Saturday
11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Food / Music / BBQ
More information to come!
Save the Date
Project Invitation - Toiletry Item Bagging Day
Point of Contact: Junko Nakauchi, Vice President (808) 227-9688 Keiko Rudder, Vice President (702) 499-8301
If your organization or business would like to participate in this community project, please reach out to me, at (702) 781-4588. If you would like to donate in-kind toiletry items, please consider purchasing some toiletry items via Amazon ( and ship toiletry items to the following address:
ATTN: Las Vegas Okinawan Club 9165 Nanjing Ave. Las Vegas, Nv 89148 or
ATTN: Las Vegas Okinawan Club 4467 Verdiccio Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89141-4243
"Yuimaru" is an Okinawan phrase, which means the "Circle of people" or "Spirit of cooperation". Yuimaru is a core concept of Okinawan culture and identity, which is reflected in the way Okinawans support each other and take care of neighbors during hard times.
Special thanks to our Secretary, Lynn Oshiro for representing Las Vegas Okinawan Club ラスベガス沖縄県人会 and volunteering at Winter Wonderland 5.0. Food distribution! LV Okinawan Club donated funds and blankets and served over 500 families together with our friends from Ninth Island Aunties, Asian Community Resource Center , Na Hula and many more organizations this holiday season!
ラスベガス沖縄県人会を代表し、ウィンターワンダーランド5.0食糧配布でボランティア活動をしていただいた書記の大城リンさんに心より感謝いたします。ラスベガス沖縄県人会は、このホリデー シーズンに資金と毛布を寄付し、第 9 島アンティーズ、アジア コミュニティ リソース センター、ナ フラなどの友人たちとともに 500 世帯以上に食糧配布のサービスを提供しました。
Las Vegas Okinawan Club is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization and is a proud partner in supporting the Ninth Island Aunties Food Drive for Thanksgiving Food Giveaway event on November 23, 2024 collaborating with other local Nonprofit Organizations like Asian Community Resource Center, Operation Aloha Action and Na Hula Hali'a Aloha Cultural Preservation.
We were able to reach 100 + families together to provide Thanksgiving food distribution this year. Thank you so much for supporting this project! The families received a Turkey and other Thanksgiving items to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.
Thank you for your kindness and supporting our Southern Nevada community!
Special thanks to our own, Cathi Minami of Ninth Island Aunties for a partnership to collaborate to help Shannon West Youth Homeless Shelter, monthly meal service and dessert donation service!
Noa Oyadomari, the son of Duke & Jennifer Oyadomari, our Okinawan Club members, represented the Las Vegas Okinawan Club to help with dinner service on Saturday, September 7 at Shannon West Youth Homeless Shelter. We are proud of Noa for stepping up to show the Uchinanchu (Okinawan) spirit of "Yui Maru", In Okinawan native language, it means "Helping each other or mutual aid" that's embedded in our Okinawan culture, "to help others for the benefit of all". We are proud of you, Noa!
If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact Aunty Cathi at (702) 635-2782. Please text her first since she has a day job and may not be able answer your call right away. Please allow a day or two for Aunty Cathi to respond back to you.
The next service dates are included in the flyer attached and they are: October 5, Nov 2, and Dec 7, Saturdays between 4 pm - 6 pm Please contact Aunty Cathi for confirmation of time and volunteer responsibilities.
Did you know that Las Vegas Okinawan Club ラスベガス沖縄県人会 is a proud sponsor of Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko (RMD) Las Vegas chapter?
Come learn Okinawan Taiko with RMD Las Vegas Chapter!
Please contact for FREE trial!
September 2024 Schedule (Tentative)
10/17 Thursday Oct 17
10/26 October Oct 26
FREE Trial Available! Come visit us!
Facility Rental Fee
Single Member
Family Member
Practice Location:
Las Vegas buddhist Sangha
4110 N M.L.K. Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV 89032
琉球國祭り太鼓 Ryukkyukoku Matsuri Daiko
Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko” is a creative taiko group that is overwhelmingly popular among young people and represents Okinawa with its unique choreography and dynamic drumstick handling that incorporates karate forms based on the traditional Okinawan performing art of Eisa.
Special thanks to our kind volunteers and Okinawan Sanshin Club students for hosting 2024 Keiro Kai 敬老会! Families and friends gathered to celebrate our seniors over age 80 for their health, longevity and their contribution to our community this week!
#Uchinanchu #Okinawan #琉球 #琉球民族 #沖縄人 #Keiro #敬老会 #うちなーんちゅ
A Japanese tradition to express respect for their elderly, to thank them for their contributions to society and to celebrate longevity of life.
Lots of happy faces at Sangha’s 35th Obon festival! Las Vegas Okinawan Club proudly participated in this year’s OBON Festival, held on Saturday, August 24th, in Las Vegas. The event, organized by the Las Vegas Buddhist Sangha, is a time-honored tradition that honors the memories of loved ones.
This year’s OBON Festival, held at the Bill & Lillie Heinrich YMCA, featured a variety of cultural performances, vendors, and exhibits by community partners.
Special thanks to our volunteers and board members for volunteering to set up the venue for our "Summer Cool Down Party"! We welcomed new members, had our last practice session for Bon dance/Okinawan Eisa, and enjoyed our company. Much gratitude for Kazuko Welzel for preparing Andagi donuts, Keiko Rudder, Vice President and Junko Nakauchi, Office admin for preparing Okinawan style Obon food! We appreciate everyone for their support to make our special gathering and a welcoming space for everyone! :)
Having fun dancing Okinawan Bon dance and practicing! We had our members from Utah joining us today! Thank you for your support😊🙏☀️🌺🌞🫶
About 50 members of Okinawan Club got together for a Brunch at South Point Casino’s Garden Buffet and had a great time eating and Yuntaku chatting this past weekend!
Special thanks to our AANHPI officers from Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s Office of Community Engagement team for joining us!
The officers are of Japanese, Filipino and Native Hawaiian descent from Hawaii! 🙆🏻♂️🥰☀️😊🇺🇸🎉
The kids and families are so happy today!
We had a blast giving away free school supplies and haircuts to our community today! ✏️📓
Special thanks to the City of North Las Vegas for the partnership opportunity with Las Vegas Okinawan Club ラスベガス沖縄県人会!
We donated supplies and volunteered, so North Las Vegas kids can start school successfully.
Special thanks to Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's Asian American Pacific Islander Alliance for doting 500 (10lbs each) bags of rice to Southern Nevada's AANHPI community!
Our members, Jennifer Inocencio, Robyn and Duane Izumi, and Daniel Kroll volunteered to help distribute the rice to our AANHPI community in Southern Nevada! We appreciate our volunteers for their time and contribution!
On July 6, 2024 Saturday, Las Vegas Okinawan Club donated cold water bottles to a homeless camp in the Las Vegas area that we serve regularly. The community members were grateful for this cold water donation. Please consider donating water bottles at these times/dates. All donations will be directly distributed to homeless individuals who endure extreme temperatures during the summer in Las Vegas. Las Vegas is experiencing extreme heat at 118 ℉degrees (47.7℃ celsius ) this week.
Drop Off Dates and Times During Obon Dance Practice
Drop Off Location: Tian Beverage (Okinawan Community Center side)
Address: 5240 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89118
Please text at (702) 350-2689 if you would like to donate water bottles.
For our homeless and economically disadvantaged community members, staying hydrated during the summer heat can be a matter of life or death.
If you'd like to help that effort, you can donate using the form below or drop off bottled water at designated location at our next event or gathering during the summer months.
Special thanks to our own, Uchinanchu Aunty Kaki South and Ninth Island Aunties for the collaboration opportunity to serve the youth residents dinner. Together, Las Vegas Okinawan Club and Aunties donated fruits and cookies. The youth residents were enjoying the treats and sharing their thanks with us, which made me happy. 😊☀️🙏🫶🌞🥰
ホームレスシェルターに滞在する青少年達にディナーを提供するコラボレーションの機会を提供してくれた我ったーうちなーんちゅのキャシー南さんとナインス・アイランド・アンティーズに特別に感謝します。ラスベガス沖縄県人会とアンティーズ(おばさん達)は一緒に果物とクッキーを寄付しました。若い入居者の方々も感謝の気持ちを伝えてくれて、美味しそうに食べていましたのでとても嬉しかったです。 😊☀️🙏 🌞
HELP of Southern Nevada’s Shannon West Homeless Youth Center (SWHYC) provides services for at-risk youth, age 16-24, that are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless. SWHYC provides safe and stable housing, basic needs/food, intensive case management, person centered case plan, housing stability plan, education assistance, employment assistance, assistance in transitioning to own apartment, addiction and mental health services, health and wellness, financial literacy, activities of daily living and supportive services. At capacity SWHYC can house 150 youth.
ネバダ州南部のシャノン ウェスト ホームレス青少年センター (SWHYC) のヘルプは、ホームレスまたはホームレスになるリスクのある 16 歳から 24 歳の若者にサービスを提供しています。 SWHYC は、安全で安定した住居、基本的なニーズ/食料、集中的なケース管理、個人中心のケースプラン、住居安定プラン、教育支援、雇用支援、アパートへの移行支援、依存症とメンタルヘルスサービス、健康とウェルネス、金融リテラシーを提供します。 、日常生活活動および支援サービス。 SWHYC は最大で 150 人の青少年を収容できます。
#Uchinanchu #Aunties #NIA #Okinawans #Ryukyuans
Our community partners, The Promise Las Vegas, The Hope, Na Hula and volunteers got together to provide food distribution, toiletry items, clothes water to help our un-housed community to ensure they receive what they need. Special thanks to Charles Herring of Na Hula for donating food items.
2024 NIA Easter Basket Project (March 16, 2024 Sat)
Special Thanks to our community partners for collaborations, especially our own Okinawan Club member, Cathi Minami of Ninth Island Aunties for putting together this event.
Our community partners, Asian Community Resource Center, Operation: Aloha Action and Ninth Island Aunties collaborated together to put over 100 Easter baskets and food baskets to distribute to low incomes families/children. The Easter food baskets will be distributed to Las Vegas Metro Police Department (Downtown Area Command, WestCare Nevada and 2 Clark County School Distribute classes as well as referrals from our partners.
Special Thanks to our team and partners, Ninth ISland Aunties, Operation: Aloha Action and 2 Scoops of Aloha Las Vegas Drive Inn for your support allowing us to make today happen.
Because of your kindness just over 100 children will receive something special this Easter. A gift made with lots of ALOHA!
協力してくれたコミュニティ パートナー、特にこのイベントを企画してくれた沖縄クラブのメンバーである Ninth Island Aunties の Cathi Minami に感謝します。
私たちのコミュニティ パートナーであるアジア コミュニティ リソース センター、オペレーション: アロハ アクション、およびナインス アイランド アンティーズが協力して、100 個を超えるイースター バスケットと食品バスケットを用意し、低所得の家族や子供たちに配布されます。イースターフードバスケットは、ラスベガスメトロ警察署(ダウンタウン地域司令部)ネバダ州ウェストケア、およびクラーク郡学校の2校のクラスの配布、およびパートナーからの紹介)に配布されます。私たちのチームとパートナー、Ninth Island Aunties、Operation: Aloha Action、および 2 Scoops of Aloha Las Vegas Drive Inn のサポートに感謝し、今日の実現を可能にしました。
あなたの親切のおかげで、このイースターには 100 人を超える子供たちが特別なものを受け取ることになります。 ALOHAをたっぷり使ったギフト!
At Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we strive to improve the lives of underprivileged children and individuals in our community by providing them with water, food, clothes, toiletry items and other items. Our aim is to break the cycle of poverty and give these children a chance at a better future. On behalf of Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we want to extend our sincerest gratitude for partnership with The Promise Las Vegas, Gene Haas Foundation and Asian Community Resource Center for their donation and partnership. This will have a significant impact on helping individduals and families in criss within the unhoused communiy as they make progress. Thank you so much for your kindness and. generosity!
Our team is made up of dedicated individuals who are passionate about making a difference in the world. From our volunteers to our board members, everyone at Las Vegas Okinawan Club is committed to our mission and the children we serve.
全米すべての沖縄県人会の中でアメリカからの学生はわずか 4 人だけ選ばれました。世界中の海外沖縄県人会から選ばれる沖縄子弟の学生は 11 人だけです。 2年連続でラスベガス沖縄県人会の若きスターを送り出すことができて幸運です!
On behalf of the Las Vegas Okinawan Club, We are very excited to share that one of our own Uchinanchu from the Las Vegas Okinawan Club, a son of Elaine and Mark Rondez, Isaiah is in Okinawa this week on a full scholarship paid by the Okinawa Prefecture Government to learn Okinawan culture, tradition and history with other fellow Uchinanchu around the world. Isaiah's grandmother is from Kin town of the mainland Okinawa island.
There are only 4 students from the United States of all Okinawa associations in America, and only 11 teenagers of Okinawan descent are selected from overseas Okinawa kenjinkai associations across the globe. We are fortunate to be able to send our LV Okinawan Club young stars 2 consecutive years!
Photo credit: Uchina Junior Study Program
Okinawa Prefecture Government
At Las Vegas Okinawan Club, we believe that every act of kindness can make a difference. Join us in spreading kindness and making the world a better place for everyone.
If you are interested in volunteering and community service in 2024, please visit our "Community Service Event & Information Form" here,
We will be updating this form throughout the year and it'll be a one-time stop to get information with our community outreach and community service projects. For Shannon West Homeless Youth Center project and Easter Basket projects, please contact Auntie Cathi Minami at (702) 635-2782; she is also included in this email.
Las Vegas Okinawan Club has several partnerships with local nonprofits and communities to better serve our Southern Nevada community! Our community service initiatives include:
1. Shannon West Youth Homeless Center - Dessert /baking goods delivery to Shannon West Youth Homeless Center once a month together with Ninth Island Aunties.
2. Hunger Relief and Education Support for At-risk Children - Las Vegas Okinawan Club participates in Back-to-School Event to distribute school supplies, Easter Food Basket Giveaway and early literacy books each year.
3. Senior Services for Minority and Immigrant Individuals and Families -
Senior Keiro Program - our senior citizens gather semi-weekly or weekly to practice Taiko drum and Okinawan dance. We often go to lunch together or potluck lunch and spend quality time together for craft workshop, Karaoke and other activities.
4. Las Vegas Homeless Camp Food Distribution - members help coordinate food pickup and deliver for food distribution to a homeless camp near the Las Vegas Strip once a month. Our partnership with "The Promise" allows for helping those in need. Please visit
5. Food Drive for Struggling Families - Las Vegas Okinawan Club's new initiative is to help to feed families and individuals in need in our Southern Nevada community, and food and monetary gifts donated by caring community members are a vital part of making that happen. If you have non-perishable food you are not using or not going to consume, please consider to donate and drop them off at our club events and gatherings.
Please visit our "Philanthropic Initiatives" page to learn more about our community service projects.
These are some words and phrases in the Okinawa/Ryukyuan language (sometimes referred to incorrectly as a hogen 方言 or dialect though it is quite different than Japanese in pronunciation). It is known as uchinaaguchi うちなーぐち. There are actually several variations, as regions and different islands technically had their own languages! Most of these below will be from the main island language group. Unfortunately fewer and fewer people these days can even speak uchinaaguchi.
Ryukyuan dance can be basically categorized into “Traditional Dance”, “Zo Dance” and “Creative Dance”. Traditional Dance is developed as being performed on the stage for entertaining Imperial envoys (Sapposhi) from China during the Ryukyu Kingdom era and came to attain greatness in the 18th century. Traditional Dance is classified into four kinds; the old married couple’s Rojinodori, young boys’ Wakashuodori, young men’s gallantry expressed in Nisaiodori, and the Onnaodori female dance performed with fascinating Bingata-dyed colorful costumes. The Zo Dance appeared after Haihan-Chiken, the abolition of clans and the establishment of the prefectural system (after 1879). Adopting music and culture of commoners, it became popular. “Creative Dance” is created by dancers of modern times, and superior works are still being created one after another. In 2009, Ryukyuan Dance was designated as a National Important Intangible Cultural Property.
The Sanshin music of Okinawa can be roughly divided into traditional music and folk songs. Generally called traditional music, they are the court music from the Ryukyu Kingdom era, which developed by being used for Kumiodori and the traditional dance. The folk songs have been handed down among the common people with their origin in traditional songs and traditional music. Source:
Our Sanshin instructor, Kazuko Underhill teaches Okinawan Sanshin at her residence for free. Please contact (702) 371-3149. Please text first if you are interested in learning Okinawan Sanshin.
Las Vegas Okinawan Club's new initiative is to help to feed families and individuals in need in our Southern Nevada community, and food and monetary gifts donated by caring community members are a vital part of making that happen. If you have non-perishable food you are not using or not going to consume, please consider to donate and drop them off at our club events and gatherings. For questions, please text (702) 350-2689.
Restaurant Discounts - We are so grateful for the generosity of Okinawa Onigiri & Ramen Tatsu! Please support local businesses!
Las Vegas Okinawan Club members are eligible for a 10% discount at these two restaurants. Please make sure to present your valid membership card!
Traditional Okinawan Dancers, Ryubu No Tomo
Reiko Ogasawara, a former Japanese NBA dancer came to our 2023 Spring picnic on May 18 to teach a dance move to our club members and picnic attendees.
Las Vegas Okinawan Club held its 10th year anniversary party. We had guests from Okinawa Association of America (Los Angeles Okinawa Kenjinkai), Utah Okinawa Kenjinkai, and other guests from out of state. Together, we had 204 guests to celebrate the club's 10th year anniversary on September 3, 2022.
2021 Las Vegas Okinawan Club Annual Spring Picnic (May 1, 2021)2021年度ラスベガス沖縄県人会春のピクニック
2021 Las Vegas Okinawan Club Birthday Lunch2021年度ラスベガス沖縄県人会バースデーランチ
We love having visitors, so feel free to visit us at our next event or upcoming cultural classes.
5240 South Decatur Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada 89118, United States
General Contact 702-350-2680 Please Text before calling Email - For mailing membership form, please send it to C/O Las Vegas Okinawan Club 4467 Verdiccio Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89141
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